Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organisational Behaviour and Design Autocratic Leadership Style

Question: Discuss about the Organisational Behaviour and Designfor Autocratic Leadership Style. Answer: Introduction The success of any organisation depends upon the contribution of its leaders. The modern organisations are different from the traditional organisations in different ways. The organisations formulate strategies in order to achieve its objectives. The organisations set culture as per the needs and the leaders play predominant roles to lead all the people to work in the appropriate directions to achieve the goals of the organisations. Thus leadership is the most important critical part of the process of the management. The current trends in the thinking of the leadership focus that a leader has vision strength of personality and has atruthfully inspirational effect on all the followers. The efforts of the leader do not only result in the followers in meeting the objectives and expectations but performing above of it. There are different leadership theories that focus on the leadership styles and attributes of the leaders. The different leadership styles are appropriate in different contexts. These styles of leadership are such democratic leadership style, transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, autocratic leadership style etc. Among all these leadership styles, the transformational leadership style becomes more successful in the present context. The present essay focuses on the transformational leaders who contribute to establish a leader-follower relationship and inspire the group in an extraordinary way. The importance of the charismatic leader is reflected in his or her followers who voluntarily follow the ideas of their leader and work hard and support remaining loyal and devoted for the accomplishment of the performance (Baker, 2007).The leader of the organisation sets the culture of the organisation which is followed by both the leader and the followers of the organisation. A Leaders Style and Approach that Shape the Dynamics of a Team and the Culture Leaders make innovation and bring major changes in anorganisation for the achievement of the goals of the organisation. The leaders with their inspirational ability motivate the followers of the organisation to perform more than expectation by inspiring them. This is done by the leaders on the broader missions by transcending their own self-interest and they concentrate on the high-level goals. This inspires employees of the organisationto havepride in their own jobs and contribute for the quality products the processes. The leaders inspire the people as a transformational leader. The transformational leader also acts like a transactional leader for motivating the subordinates in order to perform as per the expectation of the organisation. The leader works for the effective management of the everyday events of the missions of the organisation. A transformational leadership has three important factors. They are like Charisma, individualized consideration intellectual stimulation. Charisma is an ability of the leader to inspire a sense of pride, faith respect in the minds of the followers. The transformational leader always tries to change the status quo(Sandel, 2009). The leader always tries to make a change the existing or the situation which remains unchanged. An absolute leader focuses on projecting the future goals or the visions and that are idealised that are very different from the present. The leader does not behave unconventionally and always works for the improvement in the existing norms of the organisation. A confident leader with a vision can lead the people to work in the correct direction. Confidence brings ahuge impact on the followers and they believe that their leader leads them in the correct direction. Vision is an important attribute of the leader. Without any vision and goals, the leader cannot lead the people. The culture of the organisation is set as per the vision of the organisation. Without any vision, the leader and the followers cannot work in the correct direction(Greyvenstein Cilliers, 2012). Thus it is very important for the leader to set the vision so that the culture of the organisation will be appropriate and all will work for the achievement of the goals of the organisation. A transformational leader believes in communication. The leader communicates his or her followers the exact vision of the team or the organisation. The people of the different cultures are communicated by the leader well. The leadercoveysthe followers clearly what is the expectation of the organisation. He also leads the people in an organised way. The leader should have astrong conviction about the vision of the organisation. The leader should feel that the vision of the organisation is absolute as per the expectation of the organisation. This will bring confidence to inspire the followers in the right direction. The transformational leadership style makes the leader behave extraordinarily. The leader focuses on inspiring the people with appropriate behaviour and should bring faith among the followers. The strong personality of the leader also contributes to the success. Thus it is very important for the leader to behave extraordinarily. The main concern of the leader is to know the reality and act accordingly. Any decision taken randomly may not contribute to the successful outcome of the organisational goals. The leader should not avoid the constraint of the situations (Bradberry, 2015). The success of the organisation depends upon how successfully the leader reads the macro and micro environment of the factors of the organisation. The knowledge of the environment helps the leader to lead the people and makes an appropriate decision for the organisation. The development of leadership is based on the development of different areas of leadership styles (Gentile, 2012). The leader with his or her different approaches reflects a special trait that makes him or her different from others. There are various areas that contribute to the leadership development. Emotional intelligence is considered as the important human skills of a leader. It is defined as an ability to manage oneself and ones relationships efficiently. The emotional intelligence of a leader becomes important for his or her efficiency (Velsor, McCuley, Ruderman, 2010). This is especially found in the leaders those who are in the top management of the organisation. The emotional intelligence can be effectively learnt by the leader at any age. The skill focuses on the importance of the self-awareness. This is related to the ability of the leader to understand his or her own moods and emotions. This helps the leader to understand how they impact on the work and the followers. Another component of the emotional intelligence is self-regulation. This is an ability to think before making any decision and to control. This is another important approach that a leader should have to lead the people (Reynolds, 2015). The leader should motivate people to work hard through exemplary work without any reasons for personal benefits or status. This encourages followers to value the importance of the leader. The present day leaders are not confined to the organisation and they do not only focus the goals of the organisation. They need to develop the social skills. The social skills help the leader of the organisation to establish relationships with the followers of the organisation. This builds favourable rapport with the followers and his or her networks. These skills are very important for the success of the leadership. The lack of personal emotional intelligence brings excessive stress and negative behaviour among the followers of the organisation. In the modern organisations, a leader has to have different approaches. The leader has to take the confidence of the followers of the organisation for the achievement of the organisational goals. There are needs of the different abilities a leader should have in the current trends of the organisational culture. There are some important elements required for the leaders and they are given below (Bipath, 2014). The transformational leader believes his or her own values. The values of the leader make the leaderto remainconstant to the principles and ethics of the work culture. The core values should not be violated at any time by the leader of the organisation. This will help the leader not to be biased and influenced by any group(McCallum, 2013). The leader will be able to remain constant and can make the people understand what is wrong and what should be done in order to achieve the objectives of the organisation. The leader makes the leader need to create an interpersonal relationship. This has been very important for the modern organisation. The interpersonal relationship coordinates people to work together and work as per the expectations of the organisation. There are different organisations in an organisation need to be coordinated. Thus the leader requires developing an interpersonal relationship. The decision-making ability of the leader is very crucial for every leader. Decision is not taken by the leaders of the organisation individually. It requires the involvement of the followers of the organisation. In the modern organisation, people work with different skills and experiences. Their skills and experiences contribute to the process of the decision making. A true leader takes the help of the followers of the organisation to contributeinthe process of the decision making. The leader employs his democratic leadership style here. The leader allows people to express their own concern an d make their opinion in the process of decision making (Atkinson, Nazarian, Greaves, 2015). The leader of the organisation should have aproblem-solving ability. The problems encountered by the organisation should be dealt by the leader sincerely. The organisation faces challenges in avarious way. It is related to the managing people, managing the resources and achieving the goals of the organisation. The leader of the organisation employs his skills and knowledge and handles each situation as per the need. Motivation is also very important for the leaders of the present day organisation. The leaders motivate people in different ways. The leader sets examples and the followers follow it. The motivation also comes in different ways(Theory of Motivation, 2016). Some motivation comes when the leader helps the followers in the development of their professional fields by rewarding and giving them professional increments. The psychological motivation of the followers also inspires the followers to work for the leaders and contribute to the outcomes of the organisation.. The modern organisation changes its culture as per the needs. The culture of the organisation does not remain same for the organisation every time(Hoption, 2014). The global changes in the pattern of the organisation and the global presence of the organisation pave the way for the change of the culture of the organisation. The role of the leaders in this context is very important. The leaders work to inspire the people and motivate the employees of an organisation to accept the changes in the culture. The leadercoveysthe employees of the organisation what changes are going to happen and how this will contribute to the growth and achievement of the goals of the organisation. The followers remain careful to the changes and act accordingly for the achievement of the goals of the organisation. Thus it is very crucial for the leader to remain very sensible during the change of the culture of the organisation. A leader needs to have anability to manage the risk. The risk may come at any ti me from the people, from the infrastructure or from the environment of the organisation. Thus the leader should have an ability to handle each risk separately(Kannair, 2007). Each risk should have been dealt differently. The leader requires making risk management plan so that any risk can be avoided or the issues may be resolved immediately. Conclusion The modern organisation demands the leader be very sensible and lead the organisation as per the vision and mission of the organisation. Leaders are the role model of the organisation. The personality, ability to motivate people and the ability to take adecision on the right time are the most important requirements for the successful leader. The vision of the leader sets a work culture and brings confidence in the members of the team. A true leader plays a crucial role in leading the people to work as per the culture of the organisation. The culture of the organisation contributes to the successful outcomes of the vision of the organisation. A transformational leader believes in motivating the people to work following the culture of the organisation. Thus a true leader has a significant role in the modern organisation. Bibliography Atkinson, P., Nazarian, A., Greaves, L. (2015). Impact of Organisational Size on the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Organisational Effectiveness. Organisational Cultures: An International Journal, 1-16. Baker, S. D. (2007). 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