Sunday, December 29, 2019

Usage of Animals in Biomedical Experiments - 1175 Words

The great advances in medicine have been the results of many researches carried out by scientists who did many experiments to test the validity of their theories. Such experiments demanded using animals in testing which proved to be beneficial for ages in spite of the objections it raised among animal protectors. Yet the usage of animals in biomedical experiments has increased significantly over the past decade creating more and constant debate on whether the benefits of these experiments overweigh its drawbacks. Therefore the issue became one of the most controversial topics. Some animals are being tested for many reasons. As these tests help scientists have more understanding of certain kinds of fatal diseases and allow them the chance of examining the effectiveness of certain drugs or treatments. In addition, some animals’ experiments help scientist to be aware of the basic biology of animals (1). However, some people claim that these experiments should be banned due to the harm and pain they cause to animals, thus raising a moral issue whether sacrificing the lives of animals in scientific experiments would really benefit the progress of medical research. On the other hand, many others support the idea of animal testing due to its major role in avoiding scientists with samples to test their products on, apart from human sampling which is considered quite harmful with unpredictable results. Thus, this essay will examine the both ideas with some explanations and evidence.Show MoreRelatedThis Essay Will Explore The Benefit Of Animals Being Used1681 Words   |  7 Pagesthe benefit of animals being used in biomedical research, the actions implemented to protect animal welfare as well as other viable options to minimize harm to animals. Science experiments using animals have created a foundation for advances in biomedical sciences. Animals used in medical sciences can be traced back to 384-322 BCE in Greek writings of Aristotle followed by Erasistratus, 304-358 BCE (Dey). Some of the most rudimentary knowledge known to man now was found through animal experimentationRead MoreAnimals In Experimentation. This Essay Will Explore The1684 Words   |  7 Pages Animals in Experimentation This essay will explore the benefit of animals being used in biomedical research, the actions implemented to protect animal welfare as well as other viable options to minimize harm to animals. Science experiments using animals have created a foundation for advances in biomedical sciences. Animals used in medical sciences can be traced back to 384-322 BCE in Greek writings of Aristotle followed by Erasistratus, 304-358 BCE (Dey). Some of the most rudimentary knowledgeRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned From Our Society874 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Rights Demand Protection My thesis is that animal testing should be banned from our society altogether. Animal rights advocates argue that testing is a subject that has been argued countless amount of times in medical journals, and it has shown that it is a waste of animal lives. Subsequently, processing of a single drug requires more than 50 trials and use of as many as 12,000 animals. Moreover, regardless of the ethical issues that derive from animal testing, the infliction of physical/psychologicalRead MoreThe Animal Being Tested Essay1413 Words   |  6 Pagesmakeup or any other cosmetic item. I look at this situation as if i was in the place of the animal being tested, I sat an dreamt about it for a second, I thought to myself this is horrible and someone has to put an end to this immediately, If it is still going on.This topic has always been a touchy one for me, Considering the fact I ve been pro animal my whole.When i say that i mean just measly thought of an animal getting hurt or brutally chastise d would put me down every time. What led me to feelingRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Issues and Alternatives Essay2264 Words   |  10 PagesINTRODUCTION Currently, Animals experimentation is becoming a controversial topic. As millions of creatures have been tested to benefit human life. A simple definition of this procedure is observing scientific laboratory examinations on live animals. There are many campaigns around the world which reject these tests and request the alternatives. They believe that this kind of experimentation is harmful for people as much as it is cruel to animals while others argue these experiments are substantial forRead MoreIts Time for a More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1387 Words   |  6 PagesThe debate about using animals for medical testing has been ongoing for years. The struggle is usually between extreme animal rights activists and scientists. The animal rights activists believe animals should never be used for research, and the scientists believe any use of animals is acceptable. Listed below are factual historical accounts of animal use, statistics, an d arguments against the use of animals. In ancient Greece animals were used for the study of life science. To learn aboutRead More A More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1506 Words   |  7 Pagesto Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation The debate about using animals for medical testing has been raging for years. The struggle always seems to be between extremist animal rights activists who believe that animals should never be used for research, and scientists who believe that any use of animals is acceptable. There are a growing number who argue that there must be a reasonable middle ground. I contend that there must be a significant decrease in the number of animals usedRead MoreThe Shadows Of Man By Jane Goodall Essay1411 Words   |  6 PagesIn The Shadows of Man by Jane Goodall Primatology is the scientific study of non-human primate behaviors among wild apes, monkeys and other related animals in natural settings or in laboratories by conducting lab experiments and studies on captive primates. A person who studies primatology is a primatologist. There are many reasons for studying primates, but possibly the most significant reason is to learn about the origins of humans. When studying primatology, one can easily observe the behavioralRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1278 Words   |  6 PagesAnimal testing or animal experimentation is the use of non-human species such as animals, in experiments to test the affect of controlled variables on the subjects behaviour or physical appearance. The use of animal testing in science is a controversial issue that has divided the public for many centuries; between immense passion and emotion from those opposing the practice, and those that preach its integral part in the advancement of science. The divide i n the topic is between the scientific communityRead MoreCost-Benefit Analysis Of The Ethics Of Animal Testing1606 Words   |  7 Pagesconsideration† view that all animals, including humans, have the same right to not suffer or be harmed. A cost-benefit analysis justifying these types of experiments should be used to evaluate the appropriateness of using animals for the research. The United Kingdom has adopted this perspective calling for a complete ban on all experiments that cause more harm to the animals than would be of benefit to humans. The United Kingdom has historically been a leader in terms of regulating animal research and has banned

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Ends Justify the Means - 1113 Words

The violence shown in the film Mississippi Burning displays one of the most inhumane images. It shows the unconditional hatred by the Caucasian Americans toward the African American people living in Jessup County. Throughout the film, it is suggested by Agent Anderson (a fictional FBI agent) that those involved in the investigation of three missing children needed to use more guttural tactics. This is often referred to as a â€Å"do whatever it takes† philosophy. In the film however, Agent Ward is particularly against using such tactics and avidly tries to avoid using them. Agent Anderson finally wins the argument between them and the more aggressive technique eventually prevails. The question that looms however is whether or not it is†¦show more content†¦The minority in this way, will always be persecuted, they will always be slaves to the opinion of the majority. Despite all of this, I do not believe Thoreau would embody a â€Å"do whatever it takes† philosophy. He does advocate civil disobedience, via refusal to follow certain laws or protesting, but in no way does he believe that one should rise up against the government with force to overcome injustice. Martin Luther King Jr. was greatly influenced by Henry David Thoreau and it is shown through their theories and ideas such as imprisonment. Both King and Thoreau spent nights in jail in order to protests a particular idea or belief, for Thoreau it was slavery, for King it was segregation. Mississippi Burning, the film that so brutally depicts the actions of the Ku Klux Klan in the South, actually takes place in the Neshoba County of Mississippi. While the film makes loose ties to the actual event, many of the specific details were altered in order to better make the film. The statements that I will include are those that coincide with reality. Three civil-rights activists: James Cheney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman; were charged with a false speeding violation an d were taken to prison for a total of eight hours. The police department working in accordance with the Klan released the three advocates andShow MoreRelatedDoes The Ends Justify The Means?1597 Words   |  7 PagesDoes the Ends Justify the Means? To answer questions such as ‘Does the Ends Justify the Means?’ is complex. Should we unconditionally accept this doctrine? I believe this cannot be answered unequivocally yes or no because it will depend on the situation and the role in which this concept is being considered. This essay will explain the doctrine of the ends justifies the means while showing examples of both positive and negative application outcomes. This should allow readers to gain a better understandingRead MoreDoes The End Justify The Means?951 Words   |  4 Pageshave heard of the question, â€Å"does the end justify the means?†, but what does it mean? This question can be answered on both sides as yes it does justify and no it does not justify the means. It all depends on the situation in hand. Were the steps to achieve the end good or bad? If the steps to the end were good then it justifies but if it was bad then it does not justify. So the answer to the question would be depending on the means to get there and the end results. There had been many incidentsRead MoreDoes the End Justify the Means1267 Words   |  6 Pages The end justifies the means The end justifies the means is an expression that is often used in society to validate or excuse distasteful and objectionable actions undertaken by its people. In effect, the phrase is a justification for dispensing with all morality and principle in the passage towards a successful conclusion. The Greek writer Sophocles wrote in Electra 409 BC â€Å"the end excuses any evil. This was a thought later considered, by the Roman poet Ovid, ‘the result justifies the deedRead MoreDoes the End Justify the Means?739 Words   |  3 Pagesresponse to the question, Does the end justify the means? Give examples of when the ends justifies the means and when it doesnt. Post your response as a reply to this topic. Read others responses and feel free to comment on others threads and have an open discussion. The ends justifying the means is extremely difficult to generalize. The answer is much more complex than a simple yes or no. Quite often, if not most of the time, the end does not justify the means. But sometimes it can happen. ARead MoreDo the Ends Justify the Means?1115 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Sasson Final Paper ENG 2800 12-09-09 Do the Ends Justify the Means? Literature is often a vehicle for social commentary. Two works of literature that express criticism of practices in the society in which they were written are Niccolo Machiavelli’s Mandragola and the Gospel According to Saint Matthew. In his satirical comedy, Machiavelli indirectly criticizes the hypocritical practices of the Catholic Church; however, JesusRead MoreDo the Ends Ever Justify the Means?1295 Words   |  6 PagesDo the Ends Ever Justify the Means? When I first heard about the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I thought it was just a reading assignment when I was in high school that I had to complete for a grade. As I began reading I became particularly interested in Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells. In The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot talks about Henrietta Lacks and how her cells were taken without her permission, and how her family suffered afterwards. Skloot shows howRead MoreWhen the Ends Justify the Means in Machiavelli ´s The Prince Essay788 Words   |  4 PagesWhen the Ends Justify the Means It is commonly believed by both lay people and political philosophers alike that an authoritative figure is good and just so long as he or she acts in accordance with various virtues. If the actions of a ruler are tailored toward the common good of the people rather than himself, then that ruler is worthy of occupying the status of authority. By acting in accordance with social and ethical norms, the ruler is deemed worthy of respect and authority. Niccolà ² MachiavelliRead More Social Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? To what extent does the importance of social influence research, justify the methods used in its investigation? The debate about ethics in psychology focuses on two areas: protection of participants and benefiting society. This is a double obligation dilemma as if some psychologists are not allowed to do certain experiments because of ethical restraints; this can cause problems with validity. In social psychologyRead MoreMorality And The Moral Theories1137 Words   |  5 PagesMeaning of the phrases ï ¿ ½the ends justifies the means’ The phrase ï ¿ ½the ends justifies the means’ is a very popular in many fields and is also used in our day to day living. However, it is more used when talking about morality issues whereby it means that the morality of an action or behavior depends entirely on the result of that action and not the behavior or action itself. This is phrase that can be viewed different by proponent of different moral theories. A consequentialist theorist will agreeRead MoreAssessment of a Statement Essay1102 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"the end justifies the means† is not morally defensible. It will explore the implications of the statement itself, the rudiments of the social contract, the principles of Machiavelli and solid empirical evidence. The belief that the end entirely justifies the means is merely an extreme version of the commonly held belief that moral considerations cannot apply to the means except in relation to ends, or that the latter have a moral priority. Gandhi wrote, â€Å"The means may

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Strength free essay sample

Question: Select a creative work a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting or another work of art that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the work and its effect on you. The way her overbearing wrinkles read of strain and unnecessary stress. The way a single blanket drapes across her arm, protecting her from nothing but a minor set of chills passing with the wind. The way her children shun any light from entering their weak eyes by hiding behind their mother’s scrupulous, yet broken back. The Migrant Mother by Dorthea Lange is a disheartening picture on the surface, but below its rough exterior it gives a new found hope. Because The Migrant Mother reveals issues that make society seem insignificant in perspective, a thought came upon me: the world is not always fair, it is not always kind, but it is the only world we have and we have to make the best with what it gives us. As she began to grow up, the times spent in the dollhouse gradually came to a halt. We grew apart, but that vision of her future life stuck with me, and soon everything began to fall into place. She had the big, burly husband, the house (although not Victorian), and, to top it all off, she had the baby bump. The vision for her future had now become her reality. But one doctor’s visit later, her reality had morphed into a nightmare. â€Å"A†¦ a what?† My ears picked up the distress in my mom’s voice instantly, and I looked up from my homework as she gently put the phone down and leaned on the kitchen counter for support. Something was wrong. â€Å"Mom†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I said timidly. She took a deep breath and looked up at me with a tear rolling down her cheek. My sister had had a miscarriage, and it took every ounce of my mom’s strength to say it out loud, as if leaving it unsaid made it any less real. I did not expect to see my sister at church for a while because in my weak little mind it was completely reasonable to be angry with God after what had happened. However, my sister came, and she did not merely come just to come; she had come to worship. This continued Sunday after Sunday through miscarriage after miscarriage, and after her fourth, it seemed as if she was worshipping even more wholeheartedly than she ever had before. How? I kept asking myself. Where did she get this inner strength? When I finally asked her these questions that had been plaguing me, she just smiled and simply said, â€Å"Christ. He gives me strength when I am weak.† This simple Biblical truth that I had learned in Sunday school ten years before, when uttered by my sister, now stared me straight in the face. How could this woman, who had lost four babies in the last two years, remain so strong while I gave up at the simplest challenge? She did it through Christ, of course, and I could do it too. My sister, my wonderful sister, spoke the words that utterly changed my definition of weakness and of myself. So, what is my definition of weakness now? Weakness is anything in me apart from Christ. He is my strength.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Restricting Fast Food to Children Health Promotion and Advocacy

Question: Discuss about the Restricting Fast Food to Children for Health Promotion and Advocacy. Answer: Introduction: In this era of globalization and busy life, fast food has become a helping hand to overcome hunger and save the valuable time. Fast food is a kind of mass-produced food, which is prepared as well as served quickly (Harris, J. L., Sarda, V., Schwartz, M. B., Brownell, K. D. 2013). It is comparatively less nutritious in comparison to the other foods. The children are easily attracted to fast food and most of them do not like home- made food. The fast food poses an unhealthy impact on the health of the children as it contains high amounts of cholesterol. The children who consume fast food on a regular basis are more prone to develop obesity and have more risk to encounter cardiovascular diseases. Now days, the fast foods are advertised through television and social media and thus as a result the children of all the age groups are vulnerable to consume fast food. In Australia, the children watch television almost 4-5 hours a day. During this time, they are exposed to 40 minutes of advertisements every day. The advertising of food accounts for half of all the time of advertisements in the television programs that are meant for children. By watching the advertisements of fast food, they are easily influenced and ask their parents to buy them the fast food. It is important to restrict the advertisements of fast food as it is posing a severe threat to the children. The government should make specific policies regarding the advertisements of fast food in the television and other platforms through which the children are associated. The advocates of child health should propose a range of health tools that will protect the children from the advertisements of fast food. They should include health, industry advertising and media literacy education for promoting the consumption of healthy foods through the media. The parents also need to educate their children regarding the harmful effects of fast food on their health. If the advertisements of the fast food to the children will continue in the same manner and pace, it will lead in increasing the number of obesity and cardiovascular diseases in children in the future. A child consuming Fast food in Australia Letter to a politician Mr. P Abetz MLA PO Box 441 Gosnells WA 6110 Dear Mr. Abetz I am writing this letter as a constituent of the Southern River electorate to put across my concern regarding the the restriction of advertising of a fast food to children and the issues that are related with the unhealthy effects of fast food on the health of the children. I believe, you are aware that the rates of obesity and cardiovascular diseases among the children of Australia are too high. A survey has been conducted in our area, the results of the survey revealed the prevalence of obesity, and overweight amongst the children living in this area is 24% in male children and 17% in female children. Besides this, the survey of child physical activity in the previous year found that around 35% of children in this region are not satisfactory with respect to good health conditions. While this is an alarming issue all over the state as well as country, there are different ways by means of which we all can start to deal with them in this area by having your support. The advocates of child health can propose a range of health tools that will protect the children from the advertisements of fast food. They can include health, industry advertising and media literacy education for promoting the consumption of healthy foods through the media. I seek your commitment for introducing and supporting the advocates of health for the health promotion of children. It has become evident that the existing health conditions of a majority of children are vulnerable towards obesity and cardiovascular diseases. I have heard the stories of several children who have lost their lives and who are not able to play outside as they are obese and suffer from cardiovascular disease. I seek your commitment to construct specific rules and regulations, which will restrict the advertisements of a fast food to the children. I strongly believe the significance of child health and promotion of physical activities in this community. As the chosen representative of this community, I expect that you would also consider the health and safety of the children of your constituents and in the utmost regard, you would open some ways of restricting advertising of fast food to the children so as to maximise the health and wellbeing of the children of your constituents. I am thankful for your time. I am looking forward for your consideration regarding this issue. I will also look forward to receive your kind reply. Yours sincerely References Bernhardt, A. M., Wilking, C., Gottlieb, M., Emond, J., Sargent, J. D. (2014). Childrens reaction to depictions of healthy foods in fast-food television advertisements.JAMA pediatrics,168(5), 422-426. Boyland, E. J., Halford, J. C. (2013). Television advertising and branding. Effects on eating behaviour and food preferences in children.Appetite,62, 236-241. Galbraithà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Emami, S., Lobstein, T. (2013). The impact of initiatives to limit the advertising of food and beverage products to children: a systematic review.Obesity Reviews,14(12), 960-974. Harris, J. L., Sarda, V., Schwartz, M. B., Brownell, K. D. (2013). Redefining child-directed advertising to reduce unhealthy television food advertising.American Journal of Preventive Medicine,44(4), 358-364. Kelly, B., Hebden, L., King, L., Xiao, Y., Yu, Y., He, G., ... Hoe, N. S. (2014). Children's exposure to food advertising on free-to-air television: an Asia-Pacific perspective.Health promotion international, dau055. Pettigrew, S., Pescud, M., Rosenberg, M., Ferguson, R., Houghton, S. (2012). Public support for restrictions on fast food company sponsorship of community events.Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition,21(4), 609-617.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

In Ancient Greece, The Most Feared Named Was Sparta. It Was A Total Wa

In ancient Greece, the most feared named was Sparta. It was a total war machine willing to take on all comers. They rose above the rest by being well disciplined and educated. The man who brought them this glory was Lycergus. Like any great leader he was very idealistic. His main goal was to change Sparta into a complete city state. It is believed that he was born between the eighth and tenth century. "Most historians don't believe he existed at all". He was from the Eurypontid house which was one of two houses of Royality. "It is thought by many that he may have been King". Unquestionably he was one of the great thinkers. Among his many accomplishments, Lycergus was responsible for the Spartan Council of Elders, iron coinage, and the education of the entire population. "The Spartans attributed all institutions and their Constitution to Lycergus". He established their strict military style and beliefs. He felt it was very important to have a complete person. "It would be hard to discover a healthier or more completely developed human being, physically speaking, than a Spartan". Lycergus felt that parents should have the right to punish other's children. In this way he thought that children would respect all adults. Overall, he contributed more than anyone else to Spartan culture. That is why he is known as the Father of Spartan Law. Many of the ways that we keep our bodies sound were proposed by Lycergus. Mainly, he felt that people should always do the best thing for their body and their community.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Basic Info and Attributes of Hermes Greek God

Basic Info and Attributes of Hermes Greek God Hermes is familiar as the messenger god in Greek mythology. In a related capacity, he brought the dead to the Underworld in his role of Psychopompos. Zeus made his thieving son Hermes god of commerce. Hermes invented various devices, especially musical ones, and possibly fire. He is known as a helpful god. Another aspect of Hermes is fertility god. It may be in connection with this role that the Greeks sculpted phallic stone markers or herms for Hermes. Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia (one of the Pleiades). Offspring of Hermes Hermes union with Aphrodite produced Hermaphroditus. It may have yielded Eros, Tyche, and perhaps Priapus. His union with a nymph, perhaps Callisto, produced Pan. He also sired Autolycus and Myrtilus. There are other possible children. Roman Equivalent Romans called Hermes Mercury. Attributes Hermes is sometimes shown as young and sometimes bearded. He wears a hat, winged sandals, and short cloak. Hermes has a tortoise-shell lyre and the staff of a shepherd. In his role as psychopomps, Hermes is the herdsman of the dead. Hermes is referred to as luck-bringing (messenger), giver of grace, and the Slayer of Argus. Powers Hermes is called Psychopompos (Herdsman of the dead or guider of souls), messenger, patron of travelers and athletics, bringer of sleep and dreams, thief, trickster. Hermes is a god of commerce and music. Hermes is the messenger or Herald of the gods and was known for his cunning and as a thief from the day of his birth. Hermes is the father of Pan and Autolycus. Sources Ancient sources for Hades include Aeschylus, Apollodorus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Hyginus, Ovid, Parthenius of Nicaea, Pausanias, Pindar, Plato, Plutarch, Statius, Strabo, and Vergil. Hermes Myths Myths about Hermes (Mercury) re-told by Thomas Bulfinch include: ProserpineGolden Fleece - MedeaJuno and Her Rivals, Io and Callisto - Diana and Actaeon - Latona and the RusticsMonstersPerseusPrometheus and PandoraCupid and PsycheHercules Hebe and GanymedeMidas - Baucis and Philemon

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evaluate the implications for financial reporting of the change in the Essay - 1

Evaluate the implications for financial reporting of the change in the treatment of goodwill from IAS22 to IFRS3 - Essay Example This has impacted the financial statements of entities. In this essay the implications of these changes of financial accounting and reporting of goodwill are evaluated and discussed in detail. Goodwill computations will be highly affected with effective changes brought in by IFRS 3. Business combinations will now be accounted for only under purchase method, and merger accounting is banned. Intangible assets will be identified in larger way impacting goodwill as the IFRS 3 contains a list of suggestive intangibles. Contingent liabilities will play effective role in goodwill valuation as they will be recognized at fair value. Henceforth goodwill will not be amortized but will face impairment test will all other intangibles. Non- controlling interests will play effective role in determining cost of acquisition and thus in goodwill valuation for acquirer. Cost of restructuring the acquisition will be written off to profit and loss. This will play a part in enhancing goodwill valuation under purchase method. Excess of cost of acquisition over fair value of net assets acquired shall be treated as gain or negative goodwill and will be credited to profit and loss. The major impact is that Goodwill now be considered a permanent asset. IFRS 3 has restricted business combination accounting only under ‘purchase’ method where â€Å"the acquiring company records net assets received at fair value at the date of combination. Any excess of cost over the fair value of net assets is allocated to goodwill.† (Venkatesan Sundarrajan, 1995)1. Fair value of net assets is calculated by deducting the fair market value of liabilities (including contingent liabilities) undertaken from the fair value of identified tangible and intangible assets acquired, and goodwill is the difference between cost of acquisition and the fair value of net assets acquired on acquisition date. Though goodwill was also earlier being recorded as residual value under